SILVER HOSTING is a great hosting plan if you already have a site and would like to move it over. You can leave at anytime no contracts just begin with a start up package which includes moving the site and domain name over then after start up pay monthly and leave at any time. It includes 3 email addresses (more can be arranged) and enough space to maintain and backup your site.
SILVER HOSTING START UP PACKAGE. If your a new member you will need to purchase a startup package which includes 6 MONTHS of hosting and transfer of domain name and website to under the ocean with us. After your start up package you can continue to host with us on a monthly basis. You can leave at anytime, no contracts, no hassles.
GOLD HOSTING is suitable for small owner operator buisiness, charities and non profit organisations. It includes a monthly hosting fee to keep the website up and running. It includes enough space and bandwidth and 3 email addresses to communicate with your clients. You can choose a template that you like and we can personalise it to suit your corporate identity. Gold hosting includes features like extensions, photo galleries. The new website is CMS Content Management System so you will be able to update your site wherever you can access the internet across the globe.
GOLD HOSTING START UP PACKAGE. If your a new member you will need to purchase a startup package which includes 6 MONTHS of hosting and transfer of domain name and website to under the ocean with us. After your start up package you can continue to host with us on a monthly basis. You can leave at anytime, NO contracts, NO hassles.
PLATINUM HOSTING with is the complete package. It includes a monthly hosting fee to keep the website up and running. It includes plenty of space and bandwidth and as many email addresses as you need to communicate with your clients. You can choose a template that you like and we can personalise it to suit your corporate identity. Platinum hosting includes features like extensions, extra modules, advanced menu functions, online shopping facilities and product showcases. This is the ulitimate package and suitable for medium to large business and as the website is CMS Content Management System you will be able to update your site wherever you can access the internet across the globe.
PLATINUM HOSTING START UP PACKAGE. If your a new member you will need to purchase a startup package which includes 6 MONTHS of hosting and transfer of domain name and website to under the ocean with us. After your start up package you can continue to host with us on a monthly basis. You can leave at anytime, NO contracts, NO hassles. Please read the terms and conditions before purchase.